We stock and carry woven and nonwoven geotextiles to help you with you construction needs.
Woven Geotextiles
Woven geotextiles is a low cost way to stabilize sub grade soils and maintain a separation in the construction of roads and also parking lots. It is used to separate the fill soils from the soft soils and to provide roads in soft soils such as muskeg, peat and other soft areas. It will resist rutting in parking lots, driveways and access roads.
Nonwoven Geotextiles
Nonwoven geotextiles provide excellent water flow properties for drainage and other applications while maintaining soil separation at an economical price. It has consistent filtration properties and prevents the loss of soil fines when wrapped around drains.
Erosion Control and Silt Fence
Erosion control blankets are used as a means of protecting open soils from erosion while promoting the establishment of permanent vegetation cover.
Silt fence is a temporary silt control device that helps to prevent the loss of silts from a site during rain or other run offs.

Geotextile Products On-Site